Advantage of Measurements with P331-2
When measuring immunity with the P331-2 probe, each individual IC pin (e.g. QFP, QFN packages) or even the balls of a BGA can be individually contacted and subjected to ESD. The generated pulse shape complies with the IEC 61000-4-2 standard. The generator is connected to the reference GND with low impedance and is completely shielded. This suppresses the resulting fields, which can massively influence the tests, and the results become reproducible. In connection with special couplers, e.g. high speed interface pins like USB 3.0, LVDS, Ethernet etc. can be exposed to ESD.
Faster ESD discharge processes with up to 200 ps rise time can be simulated by the P331 probe.
What is needed from the Customer?
- Data sheet of the IC
- Test circuit diagram (in coordination with test engineer)
- Test firmware with description (in coordination with test engineer)
- 5 - 10 ICs with test firmware
What does the Customer get?
- 10 test PCBs, assembled/unassembled, depending on the number of test ICs
- Documentation of the measurement results
- Test report
The preparation of a quotation depends on the exact measurement task (e.g. number of pins) of the customer. Please contact the sales department of Langer EMV-Technik GmbH.