BS 06DU-s
EFT/Burst Magnetic Field Source

Short description
The BS 06DU-s magnetic field source is supplied by an EFT/burst generator (IEC 61000-4-4) via an HV cable and is used to generate a magnetic EFT/burst field which emerges vertically from the tip of the field source in a bundle. The BS 06DU-s can be used for IC tests in combination with the ICS 105 IC scanner or can be guided by hand.
The field source is usually aligned so that the field-line bundle penetrates the area of the IC housing and thus the die in the orthogonal direction. This ensures the highest induction effect in the loops of the die (approx. 30 V/mm²). In practice, however, the interference field is usually parallel to the die surface and thus does not penetrate the die (see EFT/burst field source probe set user manual).